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We call them Congress

by Elizabeth Martinez and Arnoldo Garcia, National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights

"Neo-liberalism" is a set of economic policies that have become widespread during the last 25 years
or so. Although the word is rarely heard in the United States, you can clearly see the effects of neo-liberalism here as the rich grow richer and the poor grow poorer.

"Liberalism" can refer to political, economic, or even religious ideas. In the U.S. political liberalism has been a strategy to prevent social conflict. It is presented to poor and working people as progressive compared to conservative or Rightwing. Economic liberalism is different. Conservative politicians who say they hate "liberals" -- meaning the political type -- have no real problem with economic liberalism, including neoliberalism.

"Neo" means we are talking about a new kind of liberalism...

A Must Have

I need this. I have places I need to go with this

Let's Do the Re-Tweet Thing

Ok  .. let's do the re-tweet thing. It's Fast It's fun, and it really gets attention.
Each tweet on the list is a person trying to be heard. At the bottom of the scroll there will be a very tiny "load more.." to click on So be sure to get down to the Original Twitters. You can only re-tweet once a message as you know. So, do as much as you can. Pop in to see if there are fresh ones. A couple of days is all we need to dedicate to this.

Let Lego know that we haven't forgotten about them, we're still very serious about our complaints, and that the next issue of their "Friends" magazine, should be "Child Friendly"  It's a great networking opportunity if you are into that sort of thing. For myself, my work is under the surface of things, so don't feel you now need to be subjected to my mad ramblings. After this, I'm back to my own ...

May I suggest #BadLego as an easy, short hash?

Let's do this. 

Putting words in the mouth of a Great Speaker

Not much of a post, I know -- it is more of an announcement -- or perhaps, fair warning. I've received several emails from various groups who are urging me to act in particular directions -- because the President is urging us to move in those directions. Not one of them are even close to what the President has been focused on for the last two months. I've reminded each of these parties that the President gives a weekly 'State of the Union' address which goes out on YouTube and can also be seen on the Whitehouse web site -- where he also keeps a running blog. It doesn't take much to find out what is on President Obama's mind.

The Latest Imperilment for Young Girls... LEGOs?

It was about 7AM when I saw the tweet. I was closing down my Twitter and Facebook to return to the seething build up that's going on -- and not looking forward to it this morning. My head ached, from lack of sleep, I was overly cranky -- for several related reasons -- and honestly I was in one of those, 'don't fu*&ing do it man' moods. Then I saw the tweet. A flash really as I closed down the Twitter. I caught two words, 'Nightmare' and 'LEGO'. I also recognized the source, so I knew the context. With a new click I brought the Twitter back up to find out what the full message was.

To be honest, I had already decided that I didn't like it, and that it was inline with several of the messages and campaigns I've been coming across. Reading the text I did exactly what I tell people never to do -- I didn't follow through or check the story. After the night I had and the sources I had read for the twelve hours before that -- I "knew" what was going on and responded in kind. Recognizing the sender account didn't help. It added an under tow of betrayal to the mix and just for future reference, that mix is never a good one to be making decisions on -- although I can't picture anyone not doing so -- there's nothing more stimulating to knee jerk response than justifiable anger. 

Two more relevant facts were in my mind as I reread the Tweet. One, is that LEGOs was practically the founder of non-gender specific marketing. They started this back in the late 70s. I recall it because my younger sister saw one of the ads and instantly wanted a full set of building blocks. At the time I wasn't that interested -- I had a new set of JARTS -- I still can't believe that my parents thought that what a seven year old needed was a set of iron javelins. It never crossed my mind at the time that building blocks were "boy toys" or rather NOT girl toys. What Sandra did with those blocks was amazing to me. I never could get them to become what was in my head, and she created whatever she wanted to create with an ease that was disturbing  to me. I could throw those JARTS though, so it was all good -- except for the neighbor's 1967 Corvette it was all good...

Aftermath is on the way

I'm hoping that by the cover you can tell that Aftermath is a thriller. Aftermath is also the first novel I've been able to put out under my own name in a long time. For the last 5+ years I've been ghost writing 7-10 novels a year. They were all short, and none of them were ideas of my own, but they were fun to do and steady income. 

Aftermath is a thriller, and will be hitting Amazon and places beyond very soon now. Just basically reminding you that I'm primarily a writer (reminding myself of that as well) and that I'm still committed to creating stories to engage your darker imagination.

Mental Models for Decision Making

Mental models are frameworks or theories that people use to understand and interpret the world around them. They are essentially the set ...