Big List of Needful Things
Useful stuff to know about:
- Why Procrastinators Procrastinate, with its follow-on How to Beat Procrastination
- The Concept of Euthymia -- a neutral, peaceful mental state
Useful stuff for work:
- Onelook Reverse Dictionary And Thesaurus
- Sacred Texts
- List of English Words by Origin Ety
- Describing Words
Geeking NLP Sources
Maps and Timelines
- My Maps (by google)
Random geeky links:
Random non-geeky links:
- The On-line Books Page
- Bee Folks, a honey and beeswax supplier online.
- Tumbleweed Tiny House Company, maker of tiny (and in some cases portable) houses.
- Made in America: The short list, a list of US manufactured consumer goods, from CNN. See also Made in America markets create communities of like-minded consumers.
- An inflation calculator for the US, from 1800 on.
- The Box o' Truth, a website about practical experiments with what guns can (and cannot) do.
- Meat cake!
- The Story About The Baby, and its follow-on, The Story About The Toddler. A largely no-holds-barred, extremely funny writeup on what to expect from your child.
- An environmental scorecard for an area's industries
- Various energy products
- Northeast Sustainable Energy Association
Urban legends and hoaxes:
- Relish Urban Agriculture offering classes and supplies for small-scale agriculture in Somerville.
- CNN homebrew page
- Hops information
- Really good chocolate from the Lake Champlain Chocolate company
- The Essential Kitchen Skills No One Taught (but Everyone Should Know) from Lifehacker.
- The Cook's Thesaurus, a remarkably useful writeup of what foods are, and what you can substitute in their place.
- Beer pairings with Girl Scout cookies. As if I need any more excuses to get Girl Scout cookies.
- The Massachusetts Brewers Guild has come up with a Craft Brewers Trail, with map and passport. Oh no, I may have to visit breweries!
- List of 100 dating red flags from Heartless Bitches
- Random: The best predictors of divorce were what Gottman called the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" - criticism, defensiveness, contempt and stonewalling.