a Touch of Aristotle - You Tweet - I Tweet

Do I know more than You? Maybe. Probably not. I'm so focused into narrow areas of attention that I might know more about a narrow segment of a topic than you do, but current events? Like, what is happening on my front lawn? Eh... not so much. Perfect example is that I ordered speakers for my laptop two weeks ago. Just this morning I realized that they didn't arrive. So I got on to the website to check it out. They were delivered ten days ago to the address I lived at 15 years ago.

However, there are a few places I probably have more fun. Well. My kind of fun. For example, this is probably close to how you Tweet.
The Twitter of Every Day Use

And this is more my style (see how they are all running around in a circle chasing tweets that upset them?... ah.. the teas are fun).
This image is created using NodeXL
Which is a plugin for Excel which connects to
Twitter, and then allows you to create functionality

Our senses outreach Aristotle's estimations exponentially. Aristotle's most profound lessons are within areas such as this one. The sense of touch is various and compound, and defies a single name. We can feel heat, sense cold, feel rough textures and smooth, discern of a surface is hard or pliable or living. We can feel the direction of the wind and where the heat source is blasting from. Measurements by temperature, pliability, surface texture and directional progress across our body and the functionality therefore of discerning the origin source without sight -- these are all individual senses within, perhaps, a category we could recognize as 'touch'. These senses can be lost; each operates on separate and unique pathways, each evolved through differing needs. 

Aristotle worked through logic and passive observance alone, without test, without investigation. Here he shows that using witness and logic alone, no matter the skill or greatness, are not enough. Scratch the surface on any subject, and depths beyond prediction will rise. Note that he also said of a heavy stone and a light one, the heavy would of course fall faster from any notable height.

Aristotle's laws:
    If a certain weight moves a particular distance in a particular time, a greater weight will move the same distance in a shorter time, and whatever is the proportion which the weights bear one to the other, so too the times will have to each other. For example if the half as heavy weight covers the distance in a certain time, a weight that is twice as heavy will cover the distance in one half the time. 
      De Caelo, Book I vi 274a

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