Open Education Resources, K-12
- CK-12: flexbooks, FlexMath, and more (see story about El Paso partnership)
- Curriki: big community around big library
- Gooru: search engine for education
- OpenEd Institute: biggest Core-aligned catalog
- Khan Academy: 6000 videos on math & more
- OER Commons: dedicated to innovation in open education content & practices
- PowerMyLearning: grade level collections
- NROC: high school science & math
- iCivics: open resources for learning civics
- Literacy Design Collaborative: tools & prompts for writing across the curriculum #
- Edmodo: free learning platform with tons of open content
- Curriculum Foundry helps organize OER #
Postsecondary OER
- Academic Earth: free online courses from the world’s top universities
- iTunes U: view a course, make a course
- Saylor: 250 college courses across 13 subject areas
- Writing Commons: Freshman English from USF
- Connexions: open library from Rice
- MIT OpenCourseWare
- Wikipedia & WikiEducator
- PhET Interactive Simulations
- Washington State’s Open Course Library Project: resources for 42 courses
Anytime Learning
- Coursera: the world’s best courses for free *
- General Assembly: learn from experts on business, tech & design *
- Udemy: online courses from expert teachers *
- LearnZillion: great instructional resources for teachers *
- edX: non-profit created by Harvard and MIT
- Udacity: IT and coding nanodegrees
- Canvas: open online courses #
- MentorMob: education search engine
- TED-Ed: create customized lessons around TED videos
Some High Caliber resources
- National Science Digital Library
- The Learning Regestry
- Lumen Learning
- OERCommons OERCommons - where My lesson are