Showing posts with label Michigan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michigan. Show all posts

Koch Unhidden in Michigan

No Ninja Points for the Koch Brothers in Michigan ... and it looks like they are dead on the mark with the info as well. 

Wednesday reader's view: Imposing values

Wednesday, October 8, 2014, 10:00 am
To the editor:
The billionaire Koch brothers are bent upon imposing their values on the United States in general, and Michigan in particular. They want, among other things, to eliminate taxes on big corporations, dismantle public education, destroy unions, weaken environmental regulations, eliminate the middle class and restrict voting rights.
To accomplish their goals, they make “campaign contributions” to Michigan legislators through nonprofit front organizations such as “Americans for Prosperity” and the tea party. In order to have exactly the kind of laws they want, they created the American Legislative Exchange Council. ALEC creates templates so their lawmaking “members” can fill in the blanks, more or less, while they appear to have written the laws themselves.
Rep. Kevin Cotter’s voting record is closely aligned with the Koch brothers’ goals. Cotter has voted to defund public education, fought health care reform, gutted unions by voting for Right to Work (for less), given tax breaks to corporations while raising taxes on the middle class and restricted voting rights.
These are Koch and Cotter values, not Michigan values. Your vote on Nov. 4 will decide whether the Koch brothers continue to influence our laws through Kevin Cotter, or whether laws will be based on Michigan values. I’ll be voting for Michigan values, and I hope you will too.
Timothy Caldwell
Mount Pleasant

The Theory of Planned Behavior

Introduction The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and predicting human actions in a pla...