That's right. MORE Federal Involvement not less.
Oklahoma State Board of Education and thousands of parents and students want Common Core back in their schools. In fact, they are keeping Common Core until after the lawsuit they have filed against the state government. After seeing what happened to Nebraska, who could blame them? But the real reason is because Common Core Works!
No more lies and fake weeping mothers. No more false Experts found in an alley some place by the Tea Party. Common Core Works! Don't let them take it from your kid.
Restore Oklahoma Public Education (R.O.P.E.) is committed to educating tax-paying citizens and parent stakeholders on the ways in which the methods and philosophies used in public education today affect them. From budgetary allotments to curricula, ROPE attempts to make Oklahomans aware of how every dollar spent and every idea taught can actively influence the future voters enrolled in Oklahoma Public Education today.
No more lies and fake weeping mothers. No more false Experts found in an alley some place by the Tea Party. Common Core Works! Don't let them take it from your kid.
Restore Oklahoma Public Education (R.O.P.E.) is committed to educating tax-paying citizens and parent stakeholders on the ways in which the methods and philosophies used in public education today affect them. From budgetary allotments to curricula, ROPE attempts to make Oklahomans aware of how every dollar spent and every idea taught can actively influence the future voters enrolled in Oklahoma Public Education today.