Showing posts with label Yes - Really that Wack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yes - Really that Wack. Show all posts

Anonymous Hacked the Sheriffs for Sandra

It seems that Anonymous Hacked the Sheriffs for Sandra Bland. They report something disturbingly close to my conclusions, only it has a much deeper repercussion value. I've been pressing the Sheriffs and the Media for a Time of Death from the coroner. The first autopsy has not been released, only the follow up from the next day. My working theory is that Sandra was dead prior to 7:30am that morning. Anonymous made this statement after their Sheriff hack -- far more disturbing
"Greetings Waller County Sheriff Department, Are you ready for August 8th? Do you think the city police is ready? Well we are ready. On July 10, 2015, unnecessary force of action was used against Sandra Bland when she was arrested over a minor traffic stop. Officer Encinia used excessive force causing injuries to Sandra which led to her death."

This is the rest of their message:

How Generations Were Seeped in jihad

After the United States helped chase out the Taliban government in Afghanistan in 2001, it came across a legacy of its earlier intervention in the region. As The Washington Post reported in 2002, the United States had spent millions of dollars beginning in the 1980s to produce and disseminate anti-Soviet textbooks for Afghan schoolchildren. The books encouraged a jihadist outlook, which was useful propaganda at the time for a Washington driven by the imperatives of the Cold War.
"The primers, which were filled with talk of jihad and featured drawings of guns, bullets, soldiers and mines, have served since then as the Afghan school system's core curriculum,"

Fake Twitter

You’re not as popular as you think you are. That’s the lesson that Twitter users are figuring out as news of how many fake Twitter followers celebrities like Lady Gaga, politicians like Mitt Romney, and companies like Twitter have. Yes, even Twitter is the victim of fake Twitter followers.

The problem is far-reaching and the business of buying Twitter followers has helped the fake Twitter followers problem grow very quickly. It’s estimated that the average cost to purchase 1,000 Twitter followers is $18, and it’s easy for people to purchase fake followers online. Ads for fake followers can be found on eBay, Google Shopping, and numerous other popular websites. The more the fake followers cost, the more real they seem. In fact, fake follower dealers are continually looking for new ways to make fake Twitter profiles harder to detect.

Selling compliance to the unwilling requires Inovation

You might believe that that Corporate use of Aggressive Persuasion is something you don't need to be concerned about -- and that belief might be yours, or painstakingly inserted into your decision matrix for you. After all, you do want to be compliant, right? So you were eventually going arrive at that belief anyway, right? So, no problem then.
Corporations -- All about Convenience

From the strategy page of a Corporate Marketing Agency:
Compliant behaviour is associated with conformity to institutional rules, and so, when people choose not to comply they stand answerable to consequences, which in an institutional or legal framework, could result in penalties such as fines, community service or legal action  (cf. Harvey and McCrohan, 1988; May, 2005). Thus, the word voluntary must be used with some caution in the context of social marketing frameworks. 
Social marketers should encourage compliance by using message appeals (in this context not simply message framing) to link the socially desired behaviour to something that is of value to the individual. These appeals must be packaged or presented in a way that enables the individual to see the direct benefit (value) of their action.  
This value could be something which avoids negative consequences or which are positive incentives to behave in a certain way (Staub, 1997; Atkin, 2001). It could also be an empathetic motive rather than a personal one (Taute and McQuitty, 2004; Sturmer, Snyder and Omoto, 2005). Message appeals can be either positive or negative in nature, and they can additionally be divided into informational (or rational) appeals versus emotional appeals.   

These are not unique strategy descriptions, but I was a little surprised to find them stated with such brazen openness.

Excuse me...
but You Have
Snot In your Brain

Take a look at this...Low Interest Story on Traffic Lights As you can tell, I don't really care about the damn traffic lights or this county in Missouri. In fact, I was deep-searching the web site to see what they were cooking up for local legistrators this week, and had done another search prior, which brought this traffic light story up -- just a normal irrelevant search result (SERP). I was about to close it when this line caught my attention.
City leaders argue that the 69,469 residents who voted for the measure had no business limiting the right of local politicians to use automated ticketing machines.
The voters... The Voters had no right telling the politicians what they could and could not do.

The Theory of Planned Behavior

Introduction The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and predicting human actions in a pla...