Showing posts with label Douglas Adams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Douglas Adams. Show all posts

Happy Towel Day Douglas -- I still miss you

From the works of Douglas Adams

The Fuolornis Fire Dragons were revered throughout the lands of Brequinda in the Foth of Avalars for their savage beauty, their noble ways, and their habit of biting people who didn't revere them.....

Why was this? The answer was simple.


There is, for some unfathomed reason, something almost unbearably sexy about having huge fire breathing magical dragons flying low about the sky on moonlit nights which were already dangerously on the sweet and fragrant side.

Why this should be so, the romance besotted people of Brequinda in the Foth of Avalars could not have told you, and would not have stopped to discuss the matter once the effect was up and going.

For no sooner would a flock of half a dozen silk-winged leather bodied Fuolornis Fire Dragons heave into sight across the evening horizon then half the people of Brequinda would be scurrying off to the woods with the other half, there to spend a busy breathless night together and emerge with the first rays of dawn all smiling and happy and still claiming, rather endearingly, to be virgins, if rather flushed and sticky virgins.

Pheromones, some researchers said.

Something sonic, others claimed.

The place was always stiff with researchers trying to get to the bottom of it all and taking a very long time about it.

The Theory of Planned Behavior

Introduction The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and predicting human actions in a pla...