Showing posts with label DoingItRight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DoingItRight. Show all posts

Still a Friendly Place | Easy Excel

I was stuck on an Excel problem ... It seemed simple enough but after I got the answer I knew I would have been at it for weeks until I thought to dig in the direction the answer was.

I just wanted to have a date/time in one field, and in another the date in the first field, with 10 minutes added to the first. So when I change the first field the second will update with a bonus of 10 minutes.

Right?! Simple.


I found a few places that seemed to have the answer, but the answers were confusing and difficult to understand. Then I came to  Frustrated I noticed their Contant offer and wrote them an email asking for help. Not only did the answer the question, they sent me a spreadsheet with the equation formula I was looking for. On top of that, it worked~ My life got simpler by several hours a day.

So, Thanks and I do hope you are getting what you are worth.

Perspective and Experience | Hardlines

cce1d-14-8past8 Perspective is a funny thing. Look forward and the path seems uncertain, the future unpredictable. Look back and all the dots seem to connect… except the dots that mark the choices you didn’t make and the risks you didn’t take.

Experience is that thing you get, roughly five seconds after you needed it. There’s no other way to acquire this powerful and effective trait. You have to do… live through…

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In Less Than A Minute...Farhan Akhtar

In Less Than A Minute…Farhan Akhtar: With clarity, and purpose, Farhan delivers awareness and a call to action.


Farhan Akhtar is a HeForShe. One of those guys like Patrick Stewart who radiat reasonable reason. Eloquence, is a word that comes to mind. The message is simple, understandable with clear goals and purpose. His focus is impressive and it presses you to see more clearly.


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The Theory of Planned Behavior

Introduction The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and predicting human actions in a pla...