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Over 10 Years
Oil Continues to Leak

R-Sen. Bill Cassidy(LA), former D-Sen. Mary Landrieu and Reps. D-Cedric Richmond and R-Steve Scalise(LA) have sent letters on Taylor Energy's behalf since December 2014. The lawmakers pressed officials from the Justice Department, Interior Department and Coast Guard to meet with company representatives to discuss the company's proposed resolution, but their letters stopped short of explicitly endorsing the August 2013 proposal.
R-Sen. David Vitter also made a telephone call to request a meeting between company and government officials, but the Louisiana Republican didn't send a letter on Taylor Energy's behalf, according to a spokeswoman.

Right Wing Hit All Time Low Using Soldier's Death as Propaganda

Using the murders of Navy and Marine Service men in a media ploy of Propaganda is probably the sickest thing the Republicans in Congress have done so far, and they have done some sick fricken stuff.

The tactic is called Self Evidence -- it is used in this case by making a point of lowering their flag, telling no one -- Knowing that the flag is NOT normally lowered in case like this -- and then having FOX News spread the word that Congress did but the White House didn't -- giving you the feeling that -- they should have.

Congress needs to be taken out and slapped publicly.

Catch Glenn on Twitter Noir Writer

And Check out the new site for Noir Stories -- Noir Street -- Tales of Shadow and Lust

Susceptible to Aggressive Persuasion - When and Why?

What are the main psychological forces that explain when and why we are likely to be persuaded by others? Here’s what the science shows:

In a recent article in the Harvard Business Review 
(Persuasion Depends Mostly on the Audience, 6.2.15), 
Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, Professor of Business Psychology at University College London and a faculty member at Columbia University, explores how persuasion is emotional first and rational second. Effective persuasion, he tells us, highlights the irrationality of human thinking; “we may be living in a data-driven world, but that does not make people more logical.” 

Retro Fonts for Noir

Get inspired by the spirit of past decades and transport your designs back in time with this compilation of retro fonts that will cost you nothing!

Here is a great selection of free fonts in vintage or retro styles. The aim of a retro design is to transport the audience to the past, so it's important to choose typography that reflects the era that you're representing. There are hundreds of free typeface collections available online, ranging from the hip and happening to the cheap and cheesy. We've selected our favourite ones so you don't have to spend time searching - here are some awesome zero-cost designs...

So, let's look at some Noir - Retro Fonts

Influence Matters Not Position

When was the last time you thought about how you influence others — how you change minds, shape opinions, move others to act? Have you thought about it at all? Perhaps you have been under the impression that Influence is not a skill?

The ability to influence is one of the essential skills for leaders at all levels. It’s more art than science, and it can be tough to get your arms around. But the bottom line is that influence matters. And as we continue to morph (at breakneck speed) into an interconnected, interdependent, increasingly global workplace, it will matter more.

The Language of Persuasion

What's the best way to get laid?

Advertising is a force that makes it possible to sell more merchandise due to its persuasive nature. As a tool of marketing communication, advertising is the structured and composed, non-personal communication of information. It is usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature. The language of persuasion is employed for successful advertising campaign thereby, boosting patronage of idea, product or service.

Advertising has been vigorously attacked on the ground that it is unnecessary and wasteful and that through it, people are induced to buy worthless products. It is further argued by the objectors that much advertising is misleading and untruthful.

A Reasonable Expectation

MOST STATES HAVE CONSUMER PROTECTION LAWS, which protect their citizens against fraud, falsehoods and scams. Such laws in action say that there are expectations inherent in products, which any reasonable person would regard as expected to exist, and to function without explicit claim by the seller, for which the seller is liable.
Most of the time you will find your state's consumer protections in the same areas as statutes regarding contracts, and agreements

Memories Are DNA: How Memory Works (the basics)

The relationship between memory and DNA is a complex and fascinating area of active scientific research.  Here's a breakdown of what w...