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Freedom of the Press - Freedom without Protection

"A critical, independent and investigative press is the lifeblood of any democracy. The press must be free from state interference. It must have the economic strength to stand up to the blandishments of government officials. It must have sufficient independence from vested interests to be bold and inquiring without fear or favour. It must enjoy the protection of the constitution, so that it can protect our rights as citizens." - Nelson Mandela
I realized as I read this quote from Nelson Mandela, that we do not have a "A critical, independent and investigative press" any longer.  The cynical will tell me we never did, but that's not true. We did have a strong News system during in years past. Now, however, nearly every news source available to us is fully corrupted by outside interest and inside bias.

Every reporter will naturally have some bias.  This is the first thing taught to serious history students. No matter how hard you try, some bias will exist in your findings, because of the experiences and knowledge obtained by our individual backgrounds. We see more clearly those things which we have previously agreed are important before. We hear more clearly those words we have  previously heard and understood before -- but this is not the level of bias I am pointing out. I'm speaking of the level of bias that creates a News system whose reports are over 40% wrong, lies, or deceptions. I'm talking about a bias which will ignore important events because they are inconvenient for their constituents. I am talking about a bias of willful and orchestrated ignorance.

The Pledge

Chuck Feeney joined the ranks of billionaires who have given it (mostly) all away.  The act is called The Pledge and began with Warren Buffett. In 2009, after donating billions of dollars to charity, Buffett was ranked as the second richest man in the United States with a net worth of US$37 billion with only Bill Gates ranked higher than Buffett. His net worth had risen to $58.5 billion as of September 2013. At the Pledge he has put himself down for giving away 99% of his money in the years to come. Bill Gates and his wife Melinda have done the same. 

Today I learned former billionaire Chuck Feeney has given away over 99% of his 6.3 Billion dollars to help under privileged kids go to college. He is now worth $2 million dollars.

Always, everyday, live loud like love
Glenn Hefley 2014-12-28 2:50

By Henry A. Giroux, Truthout
This piece first appeared at Truthout.

For in the world in which we live it is no longer merely a question of the decay of collective memory and declining consciousness of the past, but of the aggressive [assault on] whatever memory remains, the deliberate distortion of the historical record, the invention of mythological pasts in the service of the powers of darkness.
- Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi

All reification is forgetting.
- Herbert Marcuse

The current mainstream debate regarding the crisis in Iraq and Syria offers a near perfect example of both the death of historical memory and the collapse of critical thinking in the United States. It also signifies the emergence of a profoundly anti-democratic culture of manufactured ignorance and social indifference. Surely, historical memory is under assault when the dominant media give airtime to the incessant war mongering of politicians such as Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham and retro pundits such as Bill Kristol, Douglas Feith, Condoleezza Rice and Paul Wolfowitz - not one of whom has any credibility given how they have worked to legitimate the unremitting web of lies and deceit that provided cover for the disastrous US invasion of Iraq under the Bush/Cheney administration.

History repeats itself in the recent resurgence of calls for US military interventions in Syria and Iraq. Such repetitions of history undoubtedly shift from tragedy to farce as former Vice President Dick Cheney once again becomes a leading pundit calling for military solutions to the current crises in the Middle East, in spite of his established reputation for hypocrisy, lies, corporate cronyism, defending torture and abysmal policymaking under the Bush administration. The resurrection of Dick Cheney, the Darth Vader of the 21st century, as a legitimate source on the current crisis in Syria and Iraq is a truly monumental display of historical amnesia and moral dissipation. As Thom Hartman observes, Cheney bears a large responsibility for the Iraq War, which “was the single biggest foreign policy disaster in recent - or maybe even all - of American history. It cost the country around $4 trillion, killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, left 4,500 Americans dead, and turned what was once one of the more developed countries in the Arab World into a slaughterhouse. What room is there for historical memory in an age “when the twin presiding deities are irony and violence”?

Read The Rest on Truth Out 

Word of the Day | Dec 13 2014

  1. absolute certainty or conviction that something is the case.
    "the question may never be answered with certitude"
    synonyms:certaintyconfidencesureness, positiveness,convictionassurance
    "the question may never be answered with certitude"
    • something that someone firmly believes is true.
      plural noun: certitudes
      "his certitude that “we're number one.”"

Still a Friendly Place | Easy Excel

I was stuck on an Excel problem ... It seemed simple enough but after I got the answer I knew I would have been at it for weeks until I thought to dig in the direction the answer was.

I just wanted to have a date/time in one field, and in another the date in the first field, with 10 minutes added to the first. So when I change the first field the second will update with a bonus of 10 minutes.

Right?! Simple.


I found a few places that seemed to have the answer, but the answers were confusing and difficult to understand. Then I came to  Frustrated I noticed their Contant offer and wrote them an email asking for help. Not only did the answer the question, they sent me a spreadsheet with the equation formula I was looking for. On top of that, it worked~ My life got simpler by several hours a day.

So, Thanks and I do hope you are getting what you are worth.

By Country Tell a Different Story?

I'm currently checking into how this narrows down per country. Is this equal i the US for example? It doesn't seem usable at a world level. A Metric which really says nothing. What do you think?

"Less than an estimated 20 percent of land in the world is owned by women — yet those few women who do own land are reported to see benefits."
Their children are 33 percent less likely to be severely underweight, 10 percent less likely to be sick and these women are eight times less likely to experience domestic violence. Other studies suggest women with strong property rights earn up to 3.8 percent more income and dedicate more of their budget to education.

Today's Word | MoolaHoop


Despite the fact that women own 10.6 million businesses in the U.S. and represent 35 percent of startup business owners, they receive a piddling 4.2% of venture capital funding. This means women-owned companies tend to be smaller and grow more slowly than companies owned by men. MoolaHoop launched a crowdfunding platform for women entrepreneurs today to bridge this gap.

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Perspective and Experience | Hardlines

cce1d-14-8past8 Perspective is a funny thing. Look forward and the path seems uncertain, the future unpredictable. Look back and all the dots seem to connect… except the dots that mark the choices you didn’t make and the risks you didn’t take.

Experience is that thing you get, roughly five seconds after you needed it. There’s no other way to acquire this powerful and effective trait. You have to do… live through…

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A Unifying Word?


Emma, during her speech, Sept of 2014, HeForShe’s announcement to the world at the U.N, said that they did not yet have a unifying word, but that we had a name.

We do have a predecessor

When he learned that women were marching, Mark Twain said “Votes For Women.” and set all of his talents to writing a speech. The, then elderly, Mark Twain traveled, and spoke, using all of his skills to convince…

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FaceBook Discussion Group


batman The FaceBook Discussion Group is up and running

Discussion Group for #HeForShe up and running

Time To Take Over The World! Meet you there. We got stuff to talk about!

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HeForShe Key Messages

These are the Key Messages of HeForShe as posed by the UN Action Pack

1. Gender inequality is one of the most persistent human rights violations of our time. Despite many years of promoting gender equality, inequalities among women/girls and men/boys continue to manifest in egregious ways around the world

2. HeForShe is a solidarity movement for gender equality that engages men and boys as advocates and
stakeholders, to break the silence, raise their voices and take action for the achievement of gender equality

3. Gender equality is not only a women’s issue, it is a human rights issue that affects all of us – women and girls, men and boys. We all benefit socially, politically and economically from gender equality in our everyday lives. When women are empowered, the whole of humanity benefits. Gender equality liberates not only women but also men, from prescribed social roles and gender stereotypes.

Word of the Day -- Sensitize

gerund or present participle: sensitizing
  1. cause (someone or something) to respond to certain stimuli; make sensitive.
    "the introductory section aims to sensitize students to the methodology of the course"
    • make (photographic film) sensitive to light.
      "the kit sensitizes any 35 mm film in hours"
    • make (an organism) abnormally sensitive to a foreign substance.
      "the workers had been immunologically sensitized to the enzyme"

This word is often used to describe the process of focused education. For example, when Rawanda was putting together their constitution, they wanted to have all of the people fully involved... which is why the process took 3.5 years. 

Rawanda's ambasodor to the UN, Senator Tito Rutaremara, said 

"We spent six months sensitizing the population on what a constitution is, what voting means, what democracy means. We created booklets in Kinyarwanda (the local language), and went from village to village across the country. We even simulated Senates so that the population could see how a system would work in practice."

It is likely that sensitizing will be a necessary step with the current fringe elements of the Equality and Feminist movements today, in order for there two be a future tomorrow.

A Failure of Reporting Propagated by Omar Avolos

I brought this in to post mainly as an example of Feminist reporting reporting which has gone more toward the hot-topic sensationalism, than ‘news reporting.’. We are still putting out there that nudity and sex are “harmful”, which no study has shown or given any empirical data to promote this claim. The framework theory which birthed this claim, remains a frameworth theory which since 1997 has shown any hope of doing so with each study. Yet still this reporter pulls it in and chastises the world with its false authority.

Earlier this week, Kim Kardashian posed for Paper Magazine in what they called an attempt to “Break the Internet”. I was able to go about my day without any internet problems, so its safe to say that Kim didn’t quite accomplish her goal.

However, for many days my social media feeds were filled with people either bashing or defending the reality TV star.
But this blog isn’t about whether or not…
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What HeForShe is about | Elma's words

 If you want to reach a place it is best to know where that place is. I know that sound pitifully obvious but I have been on so many projects which had very little in the way of direction because we didn't know where we were going. We didn't have a clear idea of what the project would do, what it would be like when finished or even a full list of functionality. If you have experienced this, you…

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FaceBook Group Open | Offer Your Voice


I’ve started the HeForShe Facebook Group. I’m likely going to need help with that, if it goes bang. Would love to see you over there where we can discuss things more freely.

Bring your voice, offer your ideas.

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Google knows exactly how hung over you are this morning - The Washington Post -

Guest Speaker #3 | TamedInsanity


TamedInsanity is not a fan of many things. Like our other Guests however, she does offer some good insights into the Anti-feminist movement which I’ve personally never looked into. Again there is the question of equality and what it means, which I’m happy to report that I’m finally making some sense of and coming to a point were something practical should be published soon.

I would like to point…

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Fact: Without Women There is No Sustainable Development


tumblr_mnj98omm9e1s424vro7_250 A baby girl born today will still have to confront inequality and discrimination, no matter where she lives. Women are 14 times more likely to die in a disaster than men, over 50 percent of working women have vulnerable, informal jobs with no benefits, and two thirds of the world’s illiterate are women. At the same time, 46 percent of global news content reinforces gender stereotypes so thousands…

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Top Five Feminist Myths of All Time | Christina I love this...

Top Five Feminist Myths of All Time | Christina

I love this woman. We’re going to have many Guest Slots for her.

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Emma Watson is not interested in dictating, but in being as loud as she wants


un-women-1024x817 Emma Watson has become a sudden feminist icon in Hollywood, but she explained that it wasn’t something she had to think too much about. Just last month, Watson gave a speech to the United Nations about gender inequality around the world, which launched a campaign called #HeForShe.

Kristen Stewart and 5 other surprising celeb comments on feminism

Watson will grace the cover of Elle U.K. magazine…

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Is Common Core a Path To Greater Equality?

Is Common Core a Path To Greater Equality? With Common Core many schools which did not have the funds or resources now have an abundance of quality materials, books and lessons, they never could have afforded before. OpenEducation is providing materials at quality levels that even the best private schools would balk at, in terms of purchasing equal quality.

Impossible Things

The Common Core State Standards can have an invaluable impact on girls— particularly girls of color.

In kindergarten through 12th grade girlsCCSS-webfig1

There are achievement gaps in math and science between girls and boys; in particular, girls of color significantly lag behind their peers. On the eighth-grade National Assessment of Educational Progress exam, a nationally representative assessment of the…

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"…a lot of us just don’t want to be associated with a supposed movement that has no unifying theme except for seeming both anti-man and against any woman who disagrees on the topic of what feminism means." ~ Salma Heyak

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Gender Equality - The Gap Report

I've Changed

I’ve been working all day, researching, pushing posts and twitters out, bugging people for their opinion – following up on our last Guest Speaker’s question, “What is Equality?” We should know the answer to this, don’t you think? I mean, how are you going to know if there is progress if you don’t know what it is?

Well, many of the people I talked to suggested that they would know, because of the…

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50 Faces of Gender


34fba-a6f22b303c483be0730a2daa4245a96d Gender Equality just got a little more complicated, or perhaps just got a wakeup call. Emma, in her speech suggested that gender needs to be looked at with a little more fluidity. Seems FaceBook took her to heart and just added 50 gender choices to their profiles pages. That’s a fairly broad spectrum. PBS has an article on this change.

Facebook users will find Thursday that they’re no longer…

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Teens and Privacy with Mobile Devices


This isn’t our regular subject area but I felt that some of you would find the matter interesting.

It appears that teens are far more aware of privacy issues with their mobile devices then what common knowledge suggests. Many parents, on discovering some of the open purges of information on their teen tend to freak out a little bit — and it seems that a recent study suggests perhaps freaking is a…

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Brussels Griffon x 2 -- Guest Speaker #2


65b72-womenagainstfeminism Brussels Griffon x 2 I met on the g+ network. She is participating in the Write A Novel challenge which happens every November (Write a Novel Month). I read a couple of her posts and noticed that she was also taken by Emma’ s HeForShe speech. So, I asked her if she would post her thoughts on where we are and where we’re going. This is her gracious reply which I’ve now read five times.


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Ms Young and Some Reason

34fba-a6f22b303c483be0730a2daa4245a96d Ms Young, a contributing editor for Reason Magazine wrote an article which Time put on their website, entitled “Sorry, Emma Watson, but HeForShe Is Rotten for Men” If you are not prone to falling down after be assaulted by demagoguery or fall victim to vomiting when experiencing violent twists of logic, then give it a read.

Time, as a company, must be in dire straights. I look at the reactionary…

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Men, Without Women


“What would men be without women? Scarce, sir…mighty scarce.”

― Mark Twain

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Anaïs Nin


“I hate men who are afraid of women’s strength.”

― Anaïs Nin

“How wrong is it for a woman to expect the man to build the world she wants, rather than to create it herself?”

― Anaïs Nin

“I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naïve or innocent, who has the courage to…

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“The source of sexual power is curiosity, passion. You are watching its little flame die of asphyxiation.”

— Anaïs Nin

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Celebrate or Lose It "People of our time are losing the power...

Celebrate or Lose It

"People of our time are losing the power of celebration. Instead of celebrating we seek to be amused or entertained.

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Slaughtering our Finest Impulses "Every day we slaughter our...

Slaughtering our Finest Impulses

"Every day we slaughter our finest impulses. That is why we get a heartache when we read those lines written by the hand of a master and recognize them as our own, as the tender shoots which we stifled because we lacked the faith to believe in our own powers, our own criterion of truth and beauty.

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It Doesn't Work

It doesn't work to talk about Equality, and then not allow the other a voice.

Emma is right, the term Feminism no longer popularly means what it meant before the twisting effects of the last few decades. In her speech she said, just before announcing HeForShe at the end of her speech, that "We are struggling for a uniting word..." I didn't really get that until today. That is the only trouble with Emma's speech. It is dense. She doesn't waist words.

How did a Nice Guy Like Me...?

I just ran into a Woman Against Feminism and a guy who hates feminists, but believes strongly in equality of rights -- on tweeter. 

Tweeter is horrible for conversations like that, but I learned quite a bit. I'm weekss from being 50 years-old, so I've been around watching the Feminists getting more and more brutal for awhile. I get that the movement has gone awry. They pick fights when to do nothing would be to their benefit and make a stronger statement. They go after fights they can't win, ignore objectives where they could succeed, and frequently disown allies -- I'm incredibly happy I don't have to deal with them.

To be honest I forgot who Emma Watson was until she mentioned Harry Potter in the speech which I didn't catch when I read the transcript the first time. I checked around and it appears she wrote that speech herself. What is she? 18? 19? Wish I had a world view like that at 18.

In Less Than A Minute...Farhan Akhtar

In Less Than A Minute…Farhan Akhtar: With clarity, and purpose, Farhan delivers awareness and a call to action.


Farhan Akhtar is a HeForShe. One of those guys like Patrick Stewart who radiat reasonable reason. Eloquence, is a word that comes to mind. The message is simple, understandable with clear goals and purpose. His focus is impressive and it presses you to see more clearly.


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At Equality Ms. Young is as Obtuse as a Senator

Ms Young, a contributing editor for Reason Magazine wrote an article which Time put on their website, entitled "Sorry, Emma Watson, but HeForShe Is Rotten for Men" If you are not prone to falling down after be assaulted by demagoguery or fall victim to vomiting when experiencing violent twists of logic, then give it a read.

Time, as a company, must be in dire straights. I look at the reactionary and purposeful angst of their headlines lately -- Time is becoming more like the National Enquirer every day. Did you see the one with the Teachers? Soon Time will be publishing articles titled "Emma Watson has Big Foot in her Cellar".

Yes, I understand that Cathy Young, a contributing editor at Reason magazine, came up with the title for this ... what is this? An Essay? or just an Editorial? It is basically bias, and often irrelevant opinion. Is that what an Editorial is these days? It use to be that the editors chose higher roads than the writers and reporters, but that doesn't seem to be the case any longer. Perhaps it is just the way things are at the Libertarian magazine known as Reason.

Finding out that Reason is a Libertarian production, didn't come as much of a shock. If there is one thing that Libertarians both declare affinity to, and show amazing lack of, it is Reason. I offer as citation the Koch brothers declaring that raising the minimum wage will result in Nazism. Yes, Nazism, because that is how seriously out of touch with reality most Libertarians are.

But let's set my personal lack of tolerance aside and look at Ms. Young's Reason-ing.
"Too bad they are belied by the campaign itself, which is called “HeForShe” and asks men to pledge to “take action against all forms of violence and discrimination faced by women and girls” but says nothing about problems affecting men and boys." -- Young

Now, see, this is why Libertarians get such a bad rap. They state something like this, as if no one has access to the speech -- the speech where Emma spends nearly a third of her time addressing exactly this area and bases her ideas on research in that area. She cites -- because of the problems affecting men and boys, there is a disproportional amount of suicides which her research tells her is directly related to issues of the inequality the male population faces everyday of their lives, which no one has really addressed in a meaningful way (which is true) and she proclaims that HeForShe is dedicated to seeing that this changes. So, we haven't even gotten into the article yet and the first proclamation is "Liar Liar Pants on Fire".

The next paragraph, again, the same thing. Now Ms. Young contradicts herself, saying that yes, Emma is addressing it, but Feminism doesn't. Which again, Emma talks about that very thing, and that this flaw that has woven itself into Feminism is based on Hate, rather than equality, and again, she declares that this must be addressed, and that HeForShe intends to be the platform for that issue.

Now, this next bit is so far out of whack that I have to quote it here, so we can take a look at it solidly.

Emma Watson's U.N. Speech

When I heard this speech, back in September of this year, my first thoughts were to marvel at how optimistically powerful she was. You don't get that much -- powerful and optimistic. Most of the time powerful speeches are dramatic and hard hitting. Or they are on the other side, being funny and pointedly humorous. A commonality found in most powerful speeches is the direction of force -- toward you, the listener -- which doesn't hold the energy of optimism without discord and degradation. 
"Ask not what your country can do for you -- ask what you can do for your country." a line from a powerful speech, which demonstrates what I'm talking about with the idea of Direction of Force. It's all on you. You can change the world. You can make this country great. You have the power. You rise up and face the challenges because you are what this country needs.
These claims might sound optimistic, but in fact they are closer to cheerleading. This is the rhetoric of building false structures. What is imbued feels powerful, but the power does not endure under stress. In our world examples of this abound. Face it, if all you need to be motivated to change our world is a "What you can do for your country" speech, then your problems are fairly shallow. Don't twist this, I'm not putting Kennedy's speech down. I like that speech. Unlike many of its kind, it has a brilliance which few have matched. But it has no optimism, only power and motivation.
So what is optimism, since I am wilfully calling out distinctions... 
You may disagree, but I understand confidence to be a quality, which can not be directed at you. Confidence can not be injected. Confidence is a quality, which is derived from experience. And experience is what you acquire roughly five seconds after you needed it. In other words, experience is acquired through the survival of failure, and the tenacity to solve afterward. The attribute of experience is formidable because of this -- not because of that sentiment given by Nietzsche, "whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger," but more from the confidence of "whatever doesn't kill me, had better start running..." Confidence is a quality, therefore, of realism. When someone cheerleads you into a sense of motivation and confidence, it never feels whole. That's because it never is.
This is actually the point of brilliance with Kennedy's speech. He's not bolstering his nation up, he's making them take stock, and to alter their perspective. He's putting the power in their hands, but not offering a false sense of ability. He's asking you to ask, "what can you do for your country?" He's directing his nation to take inventory. Times were rough, the problems were dire, and some didn't make it through to the otherside. But those who did, Kennedy points out, have the chance to return to the field, wiser, more cunning, and with a clarity unearned in any other fashion.
"Now the trumpet summons us again — not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are — but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out..."
Kennedy illuminates the uniqueness of their condition, and gracefully redirects their energy "With what you know now, what can you do?" It is an enlightened and effective alteration, which makes all the difference between his speech and the bolstering shams so many others bark out at crowds to rile and incite. 
Emma's speech is Powerfully Optimistic. There is no doubt in her words that this problem of inequality is real, nor any faltering regarding the existence of a solution. These two points are inalienable her speech, in spite  of the fact that no nation can claim the existence of social equality -- which she flatly admits. Despite the fact that all those who have gone before have been driven back and turned from their path of unity to a path of hate -- which she flatly admits. It is this admittance which calls attention to her experience. These are the failures, these are the flames from which she has come. And she has the solution. She was born in the solution. She was raised in the solution. The steel of her energy has met those flames, lived, and stepped forward to put them out. 
Her solution returns us to recognize and admit that this separation no longer works. Neither man or woman are moving forward any longer. We are stalemated and burdened so gravely, our inability to take action is becoming dire. We can not take the next step forward without the other. It is, as she says in more graceful terms, ours to do together or ours to wail at apart. This is not, and never has been a woman's problem, or a feminists problem. This is a human problem. Separation from each other is destroying the foundations of what we have always denied as being related to inequality. It is time to become human.
Her delivery is excellent as well, and the video is linked here.
TRANSCRIPT: Today we are launching a campaign called for HeForShe. I am reaching out to you because we need your help. We want to end gender inequality, and to do this, we need everyone involved.

Word of the Day -- Optimism


  1. 1.
    hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something.
    "the talks had been amicable, and there were grounds for optimism"
    synonyms:hopefulness, hopeconfidencebuoyancy,cheer, cheerfulness, good cheer, sanguineness,positiveness, positive attitude
    "I wish I had your optimism"
  2. 2.
    the doctrine, especially as set forth by Leibniz, that this world is the best of all possible worlds.

Tools for World Domination -- and a couple of Writer places too

If you are interested in being part of the Internet, or using it ... to advance your professional life, these are some places you should know about. There are also a few that will add a bit of quality to your personal life as well.

1. Trello

Trello helps you manage all your ideas and due dates and keeps track of
what you’re in the process of completing. Plus, it looks nice—it’s like the Pinterest of to-do lists.

2. Hackpad

Think Google Docs—only better for collaboration. Invite as many people as you want to contribute to your docs, or set them to private so they’re just yours.

3. Coffitivity

What is it about a coffee shop that gives you such laser focus? Coffitivity streams the background noises of a coffee shop so you can get your creativity A-game on.

4. FaxZero

FaxZero lets you send and receive faxes through your email—because nobody likes the fax machine.

5. RescueTime

RescueTime lets you monitor how you spend your time on your computer and mobile devices. (The truth is sometimes ugly, but necessary.)


You know all those email newsletters that you accidentally opted into, but don’t really read? Use this site to clear out your inbox.

7. Remember the Milk

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8. Springpad

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10. Evernote

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Streamline Your Life

12. Feedly

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16. Lifehacker

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Memories Are DNA: How Memory Works (the basics)

The relationship between memory and DNA is a complex and fascinating area of active scientific research.  Here's a breakdown of what w...