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As we transverse our lives, there are certainties and casualties: inevitabilities that we all must face. One of those inevitabilities is aging. Yes, my friends, no matter how hard we try to avoid it, we all get older. We age.

Now, some folks might see aging as a negative thing. They might bemoan the loss of youth, the wrinkles and gray hairs, the creaky joints and fading memories. But let me tell you something: aging is a lot like brewing beer.

The Art of Poetry

Writing poetry is like trying to catch a butterfly with your bare hands. It's elusive, unpredictable, and always just out of reach. But that doesn't stop us poets from trying, does it? No sir, we chase those winged words with all the fervor of a kid chasing an ice cream truck.

Bringing Magic Back

In a novel I'm working on I am bringing magic back. Magic as in Mana -- energy from the ground or from the Earth. I want the experience to be as near to it happening today, as far as story lines and effects and focus. We're busy people today. It would be a major event but not all at once and not for everyone at once.

There are two effects that I want to happen as soon as possible in the story and one is that the sky is going to turn green. The other is that oil is going to begin losing its covalence -- it's bonding-- the individual molecules are going to lose their attraction to each other, reducing what is left to a dusty sludge.

Prophecy of Comedic Darkness

Deep within a place of laughter and light,

A great horror lurks, out of sight.

Its ancient power, beyond compare,

Lurks and waits in the shadows there.

The comedians who take to the stage,

Unknowingly enter its domain.

Their jokes and gags, they laugh and sing,

But they do not know what this place does bring.

Mental Models for Decision Making

Mental models are frameworks or theories that people use to understand and interpret the world around them. They are essentially the set ...