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Prophecy of Comedic Darkness

Deep within a place of laughter and light,

A great horror lurks, out of sight.

Its ancient power, beyond compare,

Lurks and waits in the shadows there.

The comedians who take to the stage,

Unknowingly enter its domain.

Their jokes and gags, they laugh and sing,

But they do not know what this place does bring.

For in the depths of this comedy club,

Something ancient and foul does rub.

It writhes and seethes in its dark abode,

Waiting for the time to explode.

And so beware, you who seek to jest,

For in this place, something does infest.

A being of terror, beyond compare,

Lurking and waiting in the shadows there. 

Memories Are DNA: How Memory Works (the basics)

The relationship between memory and DNA is a complex and fascinating area of active scientific research.  Here's a breakdown of what w...