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Emotional Motivator
Maslow wasn't Correct

What is an Emotional Motivator ? What good is it? 

Symbolism is a effective
method of  demonstrating
emotional turmoil by
implying rather than describing
On the Emotion Description pages for the Encyclopedia Project there is a section titled Motivator. This post is to give you an idea of what that section supplies and some possible uses for the information.

There are several studies which have suggested over the century that emotions, and not logic drive our actions. Those who develop and utilized Marketing and Sales techniques accepted this as far back as -- well let's just say that Aristotle talks at length about it in his book Rhetoric (both 1 & 2).

Maslow created a rational, brilliantly thought out hierarchy of needs...

Military level Propaganda Campaigns

Propaganda is the communication of a point of view with the ultimate goal of having the recipient come to “voluntarily” accept the position as if it were his or her own. In addition to the pejorative flavor, propaganda has some essential and distinctive features:
• Propaganda has a strong ideological bent.
• Propaganda is institutional in nature.
• Propaganda involves mass persuasion.
• Propaganda tends to rely on ethically suspect methods of influence.
Current News Articles on the Military level Propaganda Campaigns currently engaged on the Internet

The Guardian
Russia's sprawling propaganda network may have failed to persuade much of the world that Ukraine is run by Nazis, that Crimea was annexed in a popular uprising and/or that Germany is a failed state. But the barrage of misinformation has convinced some ...

Propaganda Methods of the Previous Century

The Strongest and most Common Message of Propaganda during the last 15 years has been to persuade the nation that  the only sane response is: "Fuckit, it doesn't matter anyway"  They drive this belief hard, injecting it with a heart needle deep into the soul.
Noun ˌpräpəˈɡandə
propaganda noun; Propaganda noun
1. information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.: "he was charged with distributing enemy propaganda".
synonyms: information  promotion  ,  advertising  publicity  spin
2. a committee of cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church responsible for foreign missions, founded in 1622 by Pope Gregory XV..

These 50 methods give a good sample of the last century’s method of Propaganda, or Aggressive persuasion

Characteristices of Modern Propaganda

Today's Propaganda is on a different scale than the previous century. Methods are more effective, harder to detect and influence the reader even if you know what you are reading is propaganda. Still, awareness is the most reliable means of minimizing influence into areas you aren't willing to believe. These are some of the detectable  characteristics being used in today's aggressive persuasion methods.

Memories Are DNA: How Memory Works (the basics)

The relationship between memory and DNA is a complex and fascinating area of active scientific research.  Here's a breakdown of what w...