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(mis)Information ® Expert Dr. Stotsky

Grossly Misinforms on Common Core

Refuting Dr. Sandra Stotsky  and those like her
The only true failure in the development and design of Common Core was the estimation of opposition, and the appreciation of a politician's lack of conscience and total disregard for loyalty. Because of this failure of estimation -- the preparation for opposition was wholly entrusted to a)the writing of a FAQ, and then b) adding to that a Myths and Facts page on the Common Core website. The creators unwisely believed that if people had questions about Common Core, they would go to the web site and discover the answers for themselves. This is laughable, and wholly naive of course.
People rarely do anything to educate themselves. This is a well known fact in marketing and it is a crucial cornerstone in propaganda.

For propaganda to be fully effective, it must be believed by those who hear it - or at least not fully discounted, and it must be made at a time where discovery of the information which could discredit the propagandic statements is either not available, or the listeners are deterred from investigation.

Christian Group Brings Satanist To High School

Object Lesson for Students
Not one if Not All

In spite of the laws of our land, the Constitution of the State of Florida, and the basic statutes of common sense - The Christian group who call themselves World Changers came to the Orange County Florida School Board meeting and pressured them for many months -- which I believe is technically called badgering -- until the School Board -- obviously driven insane by this point -- relented and agreed to let the World Changers bring Bibles to the high schools.

The tomes were to be left for any student who wished to have one -- no charge, no obligation, but of course the World Changer's phone number would be embossed very tactfully on the cover, inside, just in case the student had some questions which their parents or other family members could not answer. Of course all privacy was insured -- though apparently other manners and courtesies were negotiable.

No Child Left Behind

Facts On A Tormenting System

Q. What is No Child Left Behind?

A. The law, adopted in 2001, requires annual state tests in reading and mathematics for every child in grades three through eight. Public schools whose scores fail to meet targets two years in a row face consequences that get more severe each year a school falls short. The law requires that schools raise the percentage of students proficient in reading and math to 100 percent within 12 years — which is this year. It hasn’t happened.

Oklahoma Mad as Hell :
Give Common Core Back!

That's right. MORE Federal Involvement not less. 

Oklahoma State Board of Education and thousands of parents and students want Common Core back in their schools. In fact, they are keeping Common Core until after the lawsuit they have filed against the state government. After seeing what happened to Nebraska, who could blame them? But the real reason is because Common Core Works!

No more lies and fake weeping mothers. No more false Experts found in an alley some place by the Tea Party. Common Core Works! Don't let them take it from your kid.

Restore Oklahoma Public Education (R.O.P.E.) is committed to educating tax-paying citizens and parent stakeholders on the ways in which the methods and philosophies used in public education today affect them. From budgetary allotments to curricula, ROPE attempts to make Oklahomans aware of how every dollar spent and every idea taught can actively influence the future voters enrolled in Oklahoma Public Education today.

Memories Are DNA: How Memory Works (the basics)

The relationship between memory and DNA is a complex and fascinating area of active scientific research.  Here's a breakdown of what w...