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Word of the Day -- Sensitize

gerund or present participle: sensitizing
  1. cause (someone or something) to respond to certain stimuli; make sensitive.
    "the introductory section aims to sensitize students to the methodology of the course"
    • make (photographic film) sensitive to light.
      "the kit sensitizes any 35 mm film in hours"
    • make (an organism) abnormally sensitive to a foreign substance.
      "the workers had been immunologically sensitized to the enzyme"

This word is often used to describe the process of focused education. For example, when Rawanda was putting together their constitution, they wanted to have all of the people fully involved... which is why the process took 3.5 years. 

Rawanda's ambasodor to the UN, Senator Tito Rutaremara, said 

"We spent six months sensitizing the population on what a constitution is, what voting means, what democracy means. We created booklets in Kinyarwanda (the local language), and went from village to village across the country. We even simulated Senates so that the population could see how a system would work in practice."

It is likely that sensitizing will be a necessary step with the current fringe elements of the Equality and Feminist movements today, in order for there two be a future tomorrow.

A Failure of Reporting Propagated by Omar Avolos

I brought this in to post mainly as an example of Feminist reporting reporting which has gone more toward the hot-topic sensationalism, than ‘news reporting.’. We are still putting out there that nudity and sex are “harmful”, which no study has shown or given any empirical data to promote this claim. The framework theory which birthed this claim, remains a frameworth theory which since 1997 has shown any hope of doing so with each study. Yet still this reporter pulls it in and chastises the world with its false authority.

Earlier this week, Kim Kardashian posed for Paper Magazine in what they called an attempt to “Break the Internet”. I was able to go about my day without any internet problems, so its safe to say that Kim didn’t quite accomplish her goal.

However, for many days my social media feeds were filled with people either bashing or defending the reality TV star.
But this blog isn’t about whether or not…
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What HeForShe is about | Elma's words

 If you want to reach a place it is best to know where that place is. I know that sound pitifully obvious but I have been on so many projects which had very little in the way of direction because we didn't know where we were going. We didn't have a clear idea of what the project would do, what it would be like when finished or even a full list of functionality. If you have experienced this, you…

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FaceBook Group Open | Offer Your Voice


I’ve started the HeForShe Facebook Group. I’m likely going to need help with that, if it goes bang. Would love to see you over there where we can discuss things more freely.

Bring your voice, offer your ideas.

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Google knows exactly how hung over you are this morning - The Washington Post -

Guest Speaker #3 | TamedInsanity


TamedInsanity is not a fan of many things. Like our other Guests however, she does offer some good insights into the Anti-feminist movement which I’ve personally never looked into. Again there is the question of equality and what it means, which I’m happy to report that I’m finally making some sense of and coming to a point were something practical should be published soon.

I would like to point…

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Fact: Without Women There is No Sustainable Development


tumblr_mnj98omm9e1s424vro7_250 A baby girl born today will still have to confront inequality and discrimination, no matter where she lives. Women are 14 times more likely to die in a disaster than men, over 50 percent of working women have vulnerable, informal jobs with no benefits, and two thirds of the world’s illiterate are women. At the same time, 46 percent of global news content reinforces gender stereotypes so thousands…

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Memories Are DNA: How Memory Works (the basics)

The relationship between memory and DNA is a complex and fascinating area of active scientific research.  Here's a breakdown of what w...