Bringing Magic Back

In a novel I'm working on I am bringing magic back. Magic as in Mana -- energy from the ground or from the Earth. I want the experience to be as near to it happening today, as far as story lines and effects and focus. We're busy people today. It would be a major event but not all at once and not for everyone at once.

There are two effects that I want to happen as soon as possible in the story and one is that the sky is going to turn green. The other is that oil is going to begin losing its covalence -- it's bonding-- the individual molecules are going to lose their attraction to each other, reducing what is left to a dusty sludge.

Prophecy of Comedic Darkness

Deep within a place of laughter and light,

A great horror lurks, out of sight.

Its ancient power, beyond compare,

Lurks and waits in the shadows there.

The comedians who take to the stage,

Unknowingly enter its domain.

Their jokes and gags, they laugh and sing,

But they do not know what this place does bring.

The Objective Correlative : Measured Emotional Impact

What Is an Objective Correlative?

An Objective Correlative is a tool, but not a true literary device. A tool used to link two or more elements in a narrative or poem (three or more elements is typical). It has been used in film as well to great effect. It creates a connection between an object and seemingly disparate elements, such as characters, events, emotions, or themes. The objective coordinative allows the writer to connect these different elements of the story world, creating a cohesive narrative that provides insight into the characters, themes, and events. Its 'objective' however is emotional connection and reader experience. And they can pack a punch. 

My Experience with ChatGPT

Chat GPT Session

I heard about it being good and wanted too discover how good it is. But let's start with what it is. Basically it is a snapshot of a huge amount of information, stuffed inside a Chat Bot with serious AI backing it's interactions. You could call it Augmented Intelligence or Artificial, either way it is far more advanced than I was looking to encounter.  The site is as basic as it gets. There are no real features or editing or gizmos. This is ground zero. You and the bot. I encourage getting into your own interests, down in the geek area of your raison d'ĂȘtre and get involved. 

I have gone way down the rabbit hole and I don't feel any of that time was wasted because I came away with some serious hours of research for my stories saved. I came away from a thirty minute session with what I expected to achieve in four hours using the web. 

Hot, Scorching, Door Open, Door Closed

Everyone has their own preferences for the types of stories they enjoy. Especially when it comes to romance! In all of the books you’ll find on the Romantic Fantasy Shelf, romance is an important element of the story, meaning that if you were to remove it, you would lose something significant from the story. Of course, that’s why we’re all here, right? But also knowing the “heat level” or “steam level” of a particular story (a measure of the intensity of the romance) may be a deciding factor on whether or not it’s a good fit!

What makes Strong Writing?

 Try focusing on strong verbs rather than adverbs or adjectives. Also, drop the TO BE verbs, as described on this page here.

Verbs, are the edge of your writing. That all said, here are some tools and thoughts to help you on your way.

Where's the Love? Huh? Where's the Love?

Whenever I circle back around to emotions, which is often, I’m still struck by the numbers of emotions and how many Positive ones seem to be...