Try focusing on strong verbs rather than adverbs or adjectives. Also, drop the TO BE verbs, as described on this page here.
Verbs, are the edge of your writing. That all said, here are some tools and thoughts to help you on your way.
Here is a great tool for analyzing and digging into our craft.
There are several great tools which I use every day without fail. But the one I'm interested in pointing out to you right now is the 'Weak Verbs.' So, copy your last chapter into the editing field on that page and punch the Analyze Text button.
Once it is complete click on the Weak Verbs link on the right side menu. That will highlight every weak verb you should probably replace later with a stronger more arousing verb.
What is a strong verb and a weak verb?
According to this tool, the way it is coded, a weak verb for us is a commonly used verb. The simple, well known, easily guessed expected boring verbs. like 'is'. 'came', 'ran', 'was'
For our purposes right now, that definition is profitable and useful enough to make our writing nearly professional.
Now, you are not using weak verbs because you aren't a good writer. Don't get that twisted.
It's like this because we have two major vocabularies which psycology and neuroscience have named the Usage and the Recognition vocabularies. Recognition is of course what words I understand the meanings of enough to make sense of the message I'm reading -- and the Usage is what I'm able to bring to mind while writing.
Recognition, barring a brain injury is always going to be the larger of the two collections. So you are always going to experience your own writing as 'not really as good as you could have done' That's not good or bad it just is. Like most things -- how we feel about a thing is rarely connected to the thing else.