EV Living: Hands Free Laughing

Work is already begun on highway lanes and city streets which will charge your car as you drive. 

Electric Vehicles. They are here and they are awesome. So, what's the hold up? Why aren't you in one? I had to give up driving, otherwise I'd be zipping around every day. But, what's your excuse? Actually, with the self driving modes, I might have one anyway. 

Keywords: #EV #ElectricVehicles #WirelessCharging #ChargeWhileDriving #ChargingStations #WhatIsAhead 

Break the Blocks and Kick Your Muse

Writing was going good. Sentences flying from your fingers as you watched your story come to life around you. Half sight half dream your characters play out the scene and you watch and describe and take notation. The scene ends. You take a drink of coffee. The world focuses around you once more. And then...

...nothing. Not a thing comes to mind. The last scene was perfect, you had been building it, layer by layer for a week, but now... nothing. Your Muse has left the room, with a cheeky wiggle of distain. 

Religion and Science and the Space in Between

 With Religion you find a belief and then spend your days exploring and improving your faith in that belief. In Science, you find a belief and then spend your days trying to prove it wrong.

~ Glenn Hefley

Biden Losing His Mind and ... WAIT! There's More!

We are currently inside the grips of a pandemic that has been going on in the U.S. since January of 2020. Right now we are in the Delta phase, and heading toward a yet to be understood Mu phase.  

Yesterday, ~500 people died in the state of Florida. The daily average is 350, a day. Not a week or a month. Every day.  These days most of them are young.

Framed in DEEP.

Hospital Bed Capacity -- Oklahoma

 Bed Capacity and usage in Oklahoma. Used this to partially verify a claim that gunshot victims were having to wait for attention because of the number of OD case from horse dewormer - a story which broke this morning -- perhaps you saw it. As far as capacity, well.. OK doesn't have many "hospitals" with ICUs.

Where's the Love? Huh? Where's the Love?

Whenever I circle back around to emotions, which is often, I’m still struck by the numbers of emotions and how many Positive ones seem to be...