The characters and heroes are all gathered, and while some will fall, others will push forward striving to fullfill their pacts, and promises. Starting this week I plan on posting a chapter a week again, until the novel is complete and then continuing to post at the same rate for the next novel, The Shadow Forge. The Shadow Forge will continue the story of Elaine, Mac Anu and Naill into the City of Mithril. Begining in Shelzar, the City of Sin, the group will travel to the East, past the Halls of Burok Torn, and into the lands of Vesh.
I also plan on using this blog area to walk through some of the more mudane thought patterens surrounding the novel itself, and hope that it adds to the enjoyment of the story, but mainly, as a way of keeping track of all that happens in my mind as I write this (some times overwelming) story.