We all love unique and crafted characters. I
spend a great deal of time with creating 'real' and deep personalities with hopes and scars. That doesn't mean I do a full write up on every one of them,
far from it. No, I get my MCs flush and perky, but the others I rely
on reality to help fill in the blanks. There are tons of advice
publications (books, articles even college courses) teaching the
masses how to be popular with the masses. Each of them with wonderful
personalities woven through the socialite advice of how not to sound
like the last thousand people to come through the door. How to have
flair and maybe even some savoir faire.
Such as... instead of asking "What do you do?" or "Where are you
from?" for the 76,000th time, try one of these.
1. What's your
This open-ended question is bound
to trigger something interesting after the other person gets over the
initial shock that you asked it. By opening up a conversation in this
manner, you’ve given them access to speak from their hearts and share
their life’s journeys, dreams, and goals.
2. What makes
you smile when you get up in the morning?
A great question that gets the interaction hopping on a positive note
from the get-go. Watch the other person’s wheels turn as she reflects
on something for which she’s excited or deeply grateful.
3. Which book has influenced you the most?
The brilliance behind this
question is not the question itself, but the invitation for follow-up
questions because of the book’s impact on that person’s life,
marriage, career, or business. Asking it deepens the conversation (and
the connection) as you learn more about how the topic has positively
altered that person’s life in some way. If they’re not avid readers,
ask about movies or famous people.
4. What
absolutely excites you right now?
This question triggers passion. Who doesn’t like to speak from their
most passionate space? It may end up being their thriving career, a
new job, or an exciting new phase of their business. It could be
personal: the arrival of a new baby, having beaten cancer or finding
true love. Whatever it is, think of all the places the conversation
will lead, and the possibilities of connecting the dots with the other
person when it’s your turn to shine.
5. What's the
most important thing I should know about you?
In line with all the others, this question will elicit emotions to
deepen the conversation and find connecting points. That's what you’re
after -- creating space to discover what makes the other person tick,
unique, or maybe frustrated so you can offer encouragement or make a
difference in his or her life.
A copywriter will describe 'You'
as one of the most powerful words in our vocabulary. It is a word
which we take note of and respond to year after year, as sure as