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Is Common Core a Path To Greater Equality?

Is Common Core a Path To Greater Equality? With Common Core many schools which did not have the funds or resources now have an abundance of quality materials, books and lessons, they never could have afforded before. OpenEducation is providing materials at quality levels that even the best private schools would balk at, in terms of purchasing equal quality.

Impossible Things

The Common Core State Standards can have an invaluable impact on girls— particularly girls of color.

In kindergarten through 12th grade girlsCCSS-webfig1

There are achievement gaps in math and science between girls and boys; in particular, girls of color significantly lag behind their peers. On the eighth-grade National Assessment of Educational Progress exam, a nationally representative assessment of the…

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Memories Are DNA: How Memory Works (the basics)

The relationship between memory and DNA is a complex and fascinating area of active scientific research.  Here's a breakdown of what w...